Troy L Johnson

Troy L Johnson
Artist Statement

There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence transform a yellow spot into the sun.
Pablo Picasso (1881- 1973 )

Troy L Johnson is an accomplished Teacher, Entrepreneur, Fine Artist and Designer who combines a Master of Fine Arts with a keen knowledge of innovative design and typography. Johnson is adept at leading clients and students through conceptual design and unique artist development, yielding a wide range of techniques.

When viewing one of Troy L Johnson’s paintings, one is overwhelmed by the sheer energy of color and detail. Every imaginable red flirts with cadmium yellows, cerulean blues, warm greens and various shades of siennas. Johnson’s paintings are intense with daring colors, texture and high emotion; yet, it is the intimacy of his work that almost invariably catches the viewer off-guard.

Troy L Johnson was introduced to drawing at the age of eight. A native of Philadelphia, his training took place within the Fine Art Program at Overbrook High School. After going on to study Industrial Design at Carnegie Mellon University in 1992, Johnson received his Bachelor of Arts. He later earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from Howard University in 1996.

Johnson was a teacher for three years in Philadelphia at the prestigious High School for the Creative and Performing Arts where he helped cultivate the talent of young Art students.

Johnson’s notable exhibitions include the Studio Museum of Harlem, New York; the Tilford Art gallery in Los Angeles, California; and the first, second and third Annual Congressional Black Caucus conventions in Washington, D. C. Johnson’s work has been displayed in various galleries throughout the USA.

Johnson lives with his wife Andrea in Tampa Bay, Florida where he continues to paint, draw and exhibit his art.